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       HONG SARL 公司是成立于2001年 9月~是具有进口,出口权的贸易公司~主要经营床上用品,地毯,花瓶,塑料花,盘子等多种日用品~ 产品主要面对广大工薪阶层~在经营的8年中~受到广大消费者的热烈欢迎~



  公司计划2014年在美国 设立分公司 销售丝绸产品等

Company introduction

      HONG SARL company was founded in September 2001 in Bamake,Mali,Africa~ isa imported & export tradeing company, the main business ~ bedding, carpet, vase, plastic flower, plate etc. Various commodities ~ products mainly facing the general management of working-class 8 years in the warm welcome by customers

Our company has established a branch in British(Hong Sarl UK Ltd) since 2009,to sale textiles, silk products,(Chinease traditional cloth,shoes,etc), dried flowers, ornament flowers,we bingan to sale 3D Picture since May 2012.
Current shop address is:216-217 Victoria Shopping centre Market,Nottingham,NG1 3PS,We sale list:
3D pictures;
Silk Pictures;(Original Hand Painted)
Nylon Flowers;
Ornament Flowers;
Wholesale Chinese silk cloth,Money cat,Fans,Big Wall Fans;etc chinese traditional products;
You are welcome to order all products in the website.please find the detail contact number in the contact us column.
The Beijing office set up in 2008,mainly dealing with African(Holding company) and contact Branch in UK.

Company plans to set up a branch in 2014 in The United State to trial sale silk products ect


 【国名】 马里共和国(The Republic of Mali, La République du Mali)。

  【国旗】 呈长方形,长与宽之比为3∶2。旗面由三个平行相等的竖长方形构成,从左至右依次为绿、黄、红三色。绿色是穆斯林崇尚的颜色,马里人近70%信奉伊斯兰教,绿色还象征马里肥沃的绿洲;黄色象征该国的矿产资源;红色象征为祖国独立而战斗牺牲烈士的鲜血。绿、黄、红三色也是泛非颜色,是非洲国家团结的象征。
  【国徽】 呈圆形。圆面为蓝色,中间是一座风格独特的城堡,其上为一只展翅的和平鸽,下方是光芒四射的太阳和两张引箭待发的弓。圆周上方为法文写的“马里共和国”;下方用法文写着格言“一个民族、一个目标、一个信念”。
  【面积】 1241238平方公里。
  【人口】 1080万(2002年)。全国有23个民族,主要有班巴拉(占全国人口的34%)、颇尔(11%)、塞努福(9%)和萨拉考列族(8%)等。各民族均有自己的语言。官方语言为法语,通用班巴拉语(1972年形成文字)。80%的居民信奉伊斯兰教,18%信奉传统拜物教,1.2%信奉天主教和基督教新教。
  【首都】 巴马科(Bamako),人口91.1万(2001年);4月气温最高,平均为34~39°C,1月气温最低,平均为16~33°C。
  【国家元首】 总统阿马杜·图马尼·杜尔(Amadou Toumani Touré)。2002年5月28日当选,6月8日宣誓就职。
  【重要节日】 独立日:9月22日。

  【简况】 位于非洲西部撒哈拉沙漠南缘,西邻毛里塔尼亚、塞内加尔,北、东与阿尔及利亚和尼日尔为邻,南接几内亚、科特迪瓦和布基纳法索,为内陆国。北部为热带沙漠气候,干旱炎热。中、南部为热带草原气候。全年分为三个季节:3~5月为热季,6~10月为雨季,11~2月为凉季。热季最高气温达50℃,凉季最低气温为14℃。



[a] rectangular flag, above 3:2. Consists of three parallel by equal vertical rectangle, from left to right as green, yellow and red color. Green is the color, Mali Muslim advocate nearly 70 percent of people believe in Islam, green also symbolize Mali fertile oasis, Yellow signifies the country's mineral resources, Red symbol for the motherland and combat sacrifice independent bloodshed. Green, yellow, red trichromatic color, is also the democratic national symbol of unity in Africa.

The national emblem "round. Round face for blue, is a unique style, which is a castle on the wings of doves, below the sun is shining and ZhangYin two arrows to bow. Above the circle of the "write for French republic", Mali, Below the motto "written in French, a national, a goal, a faith."
The area. 1241238 square kilometers.
The population] 10.8m (2002). There are 23 national, mainly has the bambara (34 per cent of the population), pall (11%), Mr F (9%) and Sarah exam column (8%), etc. Every nation has its own language. French is the official language, languages (1972) formation. 80 percent of people believe in Islam, 18% embrace traditional fetishism, in Catholic and protestant 1.2%.
The capital] Bamako Bamako (91.1 million population), (2001), April is the highest temperature, an average of 34-39 ° C, January 16, average temperatures for the lowest ~ 33 ° C.
The head of state, President] AMaDu · · mridul Amadou (figure magni Toumani Toure). On May 28, 2002, June 8 sworn in.
The important festivals "independence day: 22 September.

[brief] is located in southern Africa western Sahara desert, Mauritania, Senegal, adjacent to the east and north and south neighbour, Algeria and Niger after guinea, ivory coast and burkina faso, for NaLiuGuo. North is torrid desert, drought and heat. In the south, savannah climate for. Year is divided into three seasons: 3-5 months for hot season, 6 ~ 10 months for the rainy season, 11-2 months for the cold season. Hot season 50 ° c, the highest temperature cool season for 14 degrees

National introduction


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